The breeding season in horse breeding begins on 1st February 2021. Even this year, the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky", š.p. as a guarantor of breeds Lipizzaner, Hucul horse, Shagya-Arab and Arabian Thoroughbred and offers to the breeders a wide selection of insemination doses of fresh and deep-frozen sperm from stallions of these breeds, as well as Slovak warmblood breeds through the Insemination and Reproduction Centre Krásny Majer with European number ISŽ-001.
Siglava XVIII Torysa will be the new main breeding stallion for Lipizzaner. The stallion is a representative of the Piber branch of Siglava IV Bona. Mother 588 Torysa comes from Theodorost's family. The stallion passed performance tests in the ELITA class (8.8 points, 2006). He was tested in sports dressage, where he reached the grade "S". He won a bronze medal three times at the Slovak Championships. He has also been tested at the Classical School of Topoľčianky, quadrille and classical movements above the ground.
From the Hucul stallions, a representative of the Slovak tribe Gurgul was newly included. The breeding stallion Gurgul XVI passed the performance tests in the Elite class. He comes from the stallion Gurgul XIII from mother 729 Oušor III-49. Among others, there will also be benefits from shagya-arab stallions Gazal X and Shagya XXXV. Of the Arabian thoroughbred stallions, we draw attention to the breed stallion Tobrok IV (Uzaar), which is a representative of the pure Egyptian branch from the side of the father (Tobrok), but also the mother (Unia po Al Sachra Kaythoom).
Based on the long-term and successful cooperation of the Topoľčianky National Stud Farm with the international organization ESSA (European Association of State Stud Farms), which unites 30 state stud farms from various countries throughout Europe, Slovak Warmblood owners will be offered insemination benefits from three excellent stallions from the State Stud Farm Marbach. Marbach is the oldest German stud farm with a tradition of breeding since the 17th century. Producers of fresh insemination doses will be stallions DAVOS, DOCTOR BLUE and UNO I.
Davos is a Westphalian warmblood born in 2010, a bay of a massive body with a stick height at the withers of 170 cm.
During the stallion performance tests, he convinced by his excellent rideability and talent for dressage, as well as for show jumping. He was awarded a grade of 9 for overall impression, gallop and jump. He gives spirited offspring of a large frame, well-muscled, with strong gaits and cadence.
His father Danone I is one of the most important sons of the world-famous dressage horse producer De Niro. Combined with Weltmeyer blood, it's a guarantee of dressage quality. In all three basic gaits, he shows good expression, high action of the front legs and fantastic activity of the hind limbs. The amazing ability for collection is visible in his every move. He has won several GP-level competitions in his sports career. He is the producer of many successful horses in dressage - Damaschino, Dolton, Danönchen, Dante Weltino and many others.
The mother of the stallion Fantasie (a state-awarded Westphalian mare) and the grandmother have already given several licensed stallions who have been successful in sports at the Grand Prix level. Rosenquarz, Florentianer, Licosto and several sport horses and winning premium mares also came from the mentioned family.
The mother's father, Fidermark, is considered the best son of the world-famous dressage horse producer Florestan. In 1995 he won the performance tests with a total score of 141.74 points and a year later he won the category of 4-year-old stallions at the Bundeschampionate. In 2000, he qualified for the finals of the Nürnberger Burgpokal and reached the level of the Grand Prix. He became the father of 39 licensed sons, including Fürst Piccolo, Feinsinn, Falsterbo, Fiano, Farewell I to IV and Fidertanz.
Uno I is a Holstein warmblood born in 2015. A dark bay horse with a height of 172 cm at the withers.
He won convincingly in the foal category in 2015 and became the reserve champion of the Holstein pre-selection in 2017. As a 4-year-old, he won the jumping horses, convincing with his appearance, abilities and rideability. For the jump in freedom, he received a high mark of 9. He was also highly rated for interior and character with marks of 9. He transmits his type, modern jumping expression, dynamic and elastic gaits to his highly acclaimed descendants.
His father Uriko comes from the most important line of stallions after Almé Z. The representative of this line was also the successful Topoľčianky stallion Rubín (after Ascot, 1982; from mother 576 Robinson-29), a member of the winning German team at the 2010 European Youth Riders Championship in French Marnes la Coquette. Its rider was the talented, 20-year-old Patrick Stühlmeyer.
Uriko passed a 70-day stallion test in the fall of 2011. He received a grade of 9.25 for gallop and 8.83 for a jump. His overall rating was 130 points. Uriko embodies the type of modern jumper, whose exterior meets the requirements of the Holstein breeding stallion. He had an impressive sports career with the rider Maximilian Gräf. He has scored six victories and several valuable S-level placements. He is extremely successful in breeding. He gave several licensed sons, including the winner of the pre-selection in 2016.
The father of mother, Colman, is one of the biggest stars among stallions. He is the father of 145 successful sport horses at the S level. He has given more than 40 licensed sons; a number of premium mares and his offspring is often a blockbuster auction. One of the most successful sports offspring is certainly the mare Zapria, which took part in the World Equestrian Games in Tryon with Bronislav Chudyb in 2018. The Holstein line has recently been in the spotlight thanks to the phenomenal Casall and Rolf-Göran Bengtsson (SWE).
Doctor Blue is a Westphalian warmblood, a grey, born in 2016, with a height at the withers of 168 cm.
This "Jumping Specialist", as they call him, excels in a distinctive and correct body structure. He has excellent movement mechanics (he gained 9.5 points for a gallop) and a jumping technique. In the 50-day test, he was awarded as the best three-year-old stallion with high marks, especially for his riding (9 points), which convinced the evaluators and foreign riders.
His origins are excellent: his father Durango VDL after Zirocco Blue or Lux Z and the legendary thoroughbred Lucky Boy XX predestine him for high jumping. He was successful at the international level 3 * with various riders. Durango VDL, was one of the first licensed sons after Zirocco Blue. He has an excellent spacious gallop and is very attentive in the jump. He received a mark of 8.5 for gallop, rideability and character. He was the reserve champion of the autumn performance tests of stallions. Its own sports performance is 150 cm.
The sire of dam Donna, stallion Veron VDL (KWPN), is an elegant stallion with a good jumping expression and a noble head. Father of Veron VDL, stallion Quite Easy I is the son of stallion Quidam de Revel, who is known from international arenas with proven offspring.
Based on cooperation with representatives of German breeders' associations and the company GALMBACHER SPORT PFERDE ZUCHT, the Topoľčianky National Stud Farm can offer Slovak breeders the absolute world leader this season. Frozen insemination doses of the phenomenal Hanoverian stallion EMBASSY II.
Embassy II - Hanoverian stallion born in 2001 is a black bay with a massive body structure, with a height of 170 cm.
In 2012, he was not only the most successful licensed stallion from German breeding, but also one of the most successful jumping horses born in Germany. In the saddle with successful Hans Dieter Dreher, who was his rider from 2011 to 2019, he recorded a dizzying sports career at the international level of world jumping sport. Together they gained many victories and placements at the level of 160 cm.
In 2012, they won the Nations Cup in Calgary CSIO5 * (CAN) and Embassy II won a special prize as the best horse of the Hanoverian breeding event. They also won other valuable championships in the Grand Prix at CSI4 * in Braunschweig (GER) and at CSI3 * in Munich (GER). In the following season in 2013, they were again part of the winning team in the Nations Cup in Rotterdam CSIO5 * (NED). He also confirmed his qualities by winning the World Cup at CSI4 * in Stuttgart (GER) and the Grand Prix at CSIO5 * in Aachen (GER). Other triumphs of their careers certainly include the first place in the World Cup at CSI5 * in Leipzig (GER) in 2014, at CSI3 * in Mannheim (GER) in 2017, as well as victories in the 2018 Grand Prix at CSIO5 * in Rotterdam (NED) and at CSI3 * in Donaueschingen (GER). He also has countless placements up to the third place at the world-class sport events.
Embassy II attracts attention with its hardness, speed, jumping power and ambitious diligence. As great as he was in sports, he is also great in breeding. The offspring have its energetic expression and strong movement in their blood. They are often placed in the top places at breeding exhibitions, in various categories, as winning, rewarded and "golden foals". Several times his offspring has become the winner of the "GALMBACHER SPZ" foal championship. In 2014, his descendants won foal shows in the Netherlands and Belgium. There is great interest in them and they attract attention at international auctions. The oldest representatives of its genes gradually grow into a higher jumping sport and high hopes are placed in them. The first international representative at the international level is the daughter Emely, who was extremely successful in the categories of young horses in the 2013 and 2014 seasons.
Embassy II is the most successful descendant of his father Escudo I, who worked in the Celle stud farm. Escudo I was named Hanoverian Stallion of the Year in 2009. He won the performance tests in Adelheidsdorf in 1994 with a total mark for the jump of 144.9 points. He was also awarded the Freiherr von Stenglin Prize as the best stallion in his age category. Since then, he has been included in the Hanoverian breeding program for jumping horses. Escudo I has a successful sports career. In 1996 he became the winner of the Hanoverian Championships in jumping and won a silver medal at the Bundeschampion in Warendorf. He has 65 S-level victories. According to the Hanoverian Studbook 2020, Escudo I gave 760 horses that are actively in sports. There are 693 jumpers - 129 at the S level, 178 dressage horses, 5 of them reached the S level and 37 horses competing in eventing.
The mother of the stallion, Sammy Jo, is an interesting combination of Holstein, Oldenburg and Hanoverian breeding. The mother's father, Silvio, best known for his son Shutterfly, is the grandson of the thoroughbred Sacramento Song. Even in the mother's origin, the blood of the rare Arabian stallion Amurath (1881) also appears through the Hanoverian stallion Wohlklang.
Embassy II is the product of one of the most successful Hanoverian jumping studs, which belongs to Dr. Jacobs GbR. Along with Embassy II, Dr. Karl-Otto Jacobs and his daughter Bonny-Jasmin Jacobs, also bred the stallion Firth of Clyde (For Pleasure / Caletto) and the stallion of the State Stud Farm Celle - Perigueux (Perpignon / Stakkato). The breeding program of this family gave rise to more licensed stallions: El Bundy (Escudo / Rebel Z), champion of performance tests; Cassillias (Contendro / Stakkato); Sampras (Stakkato / Achill-Libero H) and Stakko (Stakkato / Embassy).
Embassy I, the older brother of Embassy II, is a successful stallion of the Celle stud farm. While Embassy II was the star of the Grand Prix and World Cups, Embassy I ended his sports career at the 130 cm level and began to be active in breeding. He is the producer of 306 horses active in sports, of which 2 horses competing in dressage at the S level and 29 jumpers. However, his most successful offspring is the mare FRH Escada, competing in eventing. She was a member of the winning German team with Ingrid Klimke at the European Championships in Malmö in 2013 and in the teams at the World Equestrian Games in Caen in 2014. Embassy I has 11 licensed sons.
There is another licensed brother, Embassy III, who also worked at Celle Stud Farm from 2007 to 2010 before being exported to Canada. So far, he has fathered 24 offspring who are active in sports.
In the case of mares inseminated at the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky by the above stated stallions operating in the Slovak Warmblood breeding, the price of the insemination dose also includes the fee for the examination of the mare with a sonograph and the insemination operation itself.
FOTO: Archív GALMBACHER Sport Pferde Zucht
FOTO: Archív Žrebčín Marbach, Archiv Boiselle, Stephan Kube, Maximilian Schreiner
Doctor Blue:
Embassy II: