Visit of the State Secretary of the MPRV SR Milan Kysel

Návšteva štátneho tajomníka MPRV SR Milana Kyseľa

On November 9, 2021, a meeting between the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic (MPRV SR) Milan Kysel and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture for Forests and Land of the Republic of Hungary Péter Zambó took place in Topoľčianky.

The central topic of the meeting was the development of methodologies for quantifying damage caused by wild animals in forests, agricultural areas, as well as in the field of aquaculture.

On this occasion, government officials visited the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky" š.p. In the afternoon, they were welcomed by the director Michal Horný, who introduced the activities and direction of the company. Subsequently, the delegation moved to the hippological exposition, where rare artifacts from the history of the stud farm can be seen.



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