Selection committee
Ing. Péter Görözdi - chairman
Ing. Eugen Feherváry
Ing. Juraj Kovalčík
Ing. Vladimir Šmelko
MVDr. Stefan Karahuta
MVDr. Marián Pavľak (excused for 2 days)
Ing. Kamil Šulko (excused on the first day of credit rating)
Evaluation and breeding commission
Ing. Péter Görözdi - chairman
Ing. Eugen Feherváry
Ing. Juraj Kovalčík
Ing. Vladimir Šmelko
MVDr. Stefan Karahuta
Ing. Kamil Šulko
Ing. Michal Horný, PhD.
Ing. Samuel Sokol
Ing. Emil Kovalčík, PhD.
For the Regional Veterinary and Food Administration
MVDr. Here's Naj
PhDr. Pavol Štec, entrusted with the performance of the position of General Director of the Agriculture Section
MVDr. Dušan Solár
For PI SR:
Employees of PI SR Banská Bystrica and Nitra
Collaborated with the commission:
Ing. Monika Ivančíková, PhD., department of breeding documentation and marketing NŽT
The Selection Committee for Horse Breeding of the MP a RV SR on October 12-13 2022, the autumn assessment of horses was carried out at the stud farm "Topoľčianky" š.p. 8 Lipizzan stallions, 44 Lipizzan breeding mares, 8 Shagya-Arab stallions, 35 Shagya-Arab breeding mares, 7 Hucul horse stallions, 31 Hucul breeding mares, 1 Slovak Warmblood stallion, 23 Slovak Warmblood breeding mares were inspected.
The commission positively assessed the readiness of all buildings and horses for the autumn assessment. All breeding objects and the surrounding environment were decently prepared. The commission positively evaluates the good condition and good health of the horses and hoof shoeing, hoof trimming and the overall appearance of the horses being shown, as well as the state of reproductive indicators in all herds, due to the introduction of full-area insemination in the 2022 season (natality 82.00%).
The commission positively evaluated the inclusion of the breeding stallion Davos and its purchase for the National Stud in view of his balanced progeny with very good movement mechanics, as well as the purchase of 2 pure-blood Egyptian Arabian thoroughbred mares to expand the blood base within the breeding of the thoroughbred Arabian breed. The purchase of elite Lipizzan mares from the Piber State Stud will also be a benefit due to the expansion of the base of the Europa family in the base herd of Lipizzan mares. The commission recommends considering the use of classic Topoľčianky lines of stallions of the Shagya-Arab breed.
Employees of NŽ "Topoľčianky" š.p. they ensured the course of the autumn evaluation at a high level. The commission highlighted the correct dressing of the employees and the professional presentation of the horses, as well as the submitted complete evaluation records as well as the cleanliness and orderliness of the breeding facilities. During the assessment, a pre-selection of stallions and young mares for breeding training took place.
The following horses were preselected for breeding training:
Lipizzaner stallions:
8613 Neapolitan XIV-29
8621 Neapolitan XIV-31
Lipizzaner mares:
8559 Pluto XXI-23
8565 Conversano XIII-71
Shagya-Arabian stallions:
8775 O'Bajan IX-3
8586 O'Bajan IX-7
8595 O'Bajan IX-12
Shagya-Arab mares
8570 O'Bajan IX-2
8576 O'Bajan IX-4
8584 O'Bajan IX-5
Stallions of the Hucul horse breed
8606 Graves XX-12
8607 Oushor XIII-6
The stallions of NŽ Topoľčianky will take the performance tests on 27 October 2022:
8451 O'Bajan VII-1
8531 Gazal V-40
8492 Pluto XXI-18
8520 Maestoso X-43
8519 Graves Graves XVI-17
8533 Oushor VIII-7
During the assessment, some horses were suggested for sale list and castration.