April 22 - 23, 2023, on the grounds of the National Stud "Topoľčianky" š.p. held a general meeting of the international organization HIF (Hucul International Federation) with the participation of delegates from Hungary, Romania, Austria, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and the Slovak Republic.
The purpose of the meeting was to evaluate the population of Hucul horses in individual countries with regard to their number and testing. The general meeting of the HIF was opened by its president Michal Horný, who, among other things, informed about the activities of the HIF, taking into account its mission - the preservation of the rare population of Hucul horses in Europe. Despite the pandemic period, the conditions of Hucul horses in the individual member countries are stabilized. As part of the breeding commission, Mrs. Miroslawa Holowach presented a report on the unfavourable situation of Hucul horse breeding in war-torn Ukraine. Despite the difficult situation in Ukraine, proper registration of foals is taking place with the issuance of documents of origin, but with restrictions on breeding. The international organization HIF decided to jointly help Ukrainian breeders. Completion of a unified database of Hucul horses in individual member countries was also discussed. The program of the general session was supplemented by a tour of the breeding facilities of the National Stud "Topoľčianky" š.p.
On April 23, 2023, the training of international assessors of the rare Carpathian breed was held, which was attended by more than 20 representatives from 8 countries. The trainer was a renowned expert and member of the breeding commission for Hungary, Professor Dr. Sandor Mihok. The theoretical part was followed by a practical evaluation of Hucul mares and stallions at the Hostie breeding facility within the framework of international rules for evaluation of type and exterior. It is gratifying that the number of international judges for the Slovak Republic has been expanded to include Michaela Horná and new candidates Kristina Szakal, Milan Gonda and Monika Ivančíková. At the end of the seminar, participants received certificates of completion.
Next year, Hucul horse breeders will commemorate the 30th anniversary of the foundation of HIF. The international breeding organization was founded on January 18, 1994 in Gladysow, Poland. The first elected president of HIF was Dr. Deskur from Poland.