In the days 8.-9. July 2023, the second dressage race of the year took place on the premises of the National Stud. Riders competed at levels from 'A' to 'T', including tests for young horses and for pony riders.
The jury worked under the leadership of Nadežda Ivaničová, the other members were experienced judges from the Czech Republic Iva Schützová and Dana Kuřitková. Zoltán Prutkay repeatedly accepted invitations from Hungary. About fifty riding pairs competed. For many, these races were also the last preparation for the Slovak Championship and at the same time an opportunity to meet the qualification criteria for individual championship categories.
In the test for 4-year-old horses, 8 horses presented themselves in two categories. Sofia Laura Petranová with mare Furioso XXXIV-28 Yveta from TJ Žrebčín Motešice won the championship among 4-year-old horses. In the category of 5-6 year old horses, the best result was achieved by the home couple Martina Nittnaus and Charissa. In the test for 5-year-old horses, Silvia Záhorská and Dancing Scarlett from JK Ivanka pri Dunaji dominated. This pair also confirmed their qualities by winning the test for 6-year-old horses. Viktória Oršuliaková with her horse Sonet from TJ Žižka Bratislava did best in the competition for pony riders. Diana Hunová and Rocky Rebel from JK Ivanka pri Dunaji won the open competition at the A level and also in the children's category. In grade L, the best performance was given by Martina Nittnaus and Favory XII-13 from JK at NŽ Topoľčianky. It continued at grade M. The championship was won by Michaela Danielová with the mare Silver Moonlight from JK Vida Bratislava. In the S level competition, Michaela Horná and Forever from JK at NŽ Topoľčianky won first place. At the T level, Milan Kuhajda and Ariston ER from JK Jurský dvor Nitra won the championship.
On Sunday, in the task for 4-year-old horses, Simona Sklenárová and Destiny It's Me from JK Horse club Nitra won, and in the category of 5-6-year-old horses, the home pair Martina Nittnaus and Charissa defended the victory. In the test for 5-year-old horses, Milan Kuhajda and Donna Grazia from JK Jurský dvor Nitra won. Among the 6-year-old horses, Silvia Záhorská and Dancing Scarlett from JK Ivanka pri Dunaji were rated the best. Among the pony riders, Viktória Oršuliaková again won with her horse Sonet from TJ Žižka Bratislava. At the A level, Diana Hunová from JK Ivanka pri Dunaji took the first place again, who was also the best rated among children. They became winners also in the following test at level L. The home team David Kintšer and Siglavy XV-2 took first place in M level. Dorota Jurštáková and the horse Indorado Van´t Kathof from JK Trenčín Nozdrkovce became the best riding pair in ST. The best evaluation at level T was gained by Peter Vančo and Conversano XIII-47 from JK near NŽ Topoľčianky.
We heartily congratulate everyone on the results achieved. Complete results lists can be found at,, Many thanks to Happy Horse Service Cavalor, Prohorse, Heineken and JK pri NŽ Topoľčianky for the prizes in kind they donated to the competitions.
Denis Sebestyen, a horse lover and the biggest fan of the National Stud, did not miss the event. He attends all sports and breeding events in Topoľčianky with iron regularity. As a sign of gratitude, he was awarded by the riders of the National Stud at the end of the event.
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