On August 10-11, 2024, the Slovak Dressage Championship was held at the Topoľčianky National Stud Farm. Of the four announced categories, three were opened based on the fulfilment of the qualification criteria for the riding pairs - the children's category, younger juniors and older juniors. Unfortunately, the young rider category did not open due to the lack of the minimum number of participants.
The event schedule included open competitions at levels from A to TT, including tasks for pony riders and young horses. Almost 80 riding pairs gathered here, which resulted in 185 starts during both competition days. Foreign riders also supported the event with their participation, mainly from neighbouring Bohemia and also from Germany. The judging panel was also composed of international judging personalities. The main judge was the local Nadežda Ivaničová, the other members were Silvia Poláková (SVK) and Zoltán Prutkay (HUN). For the first time, the international FEI 4* judge Slawomir Pietrzak (POL) was welcomed to Topoľčianky, and from the Czech Republic, Mrs. Kamila Vaňková had her first judging appearance. Ivana Dedinská-Maderová (SVK) was called to the role of steward.
Detailed results of all open and championship competitions can be found at www.sjf.sk , www.drezurawbl.sk , www.nztopolcianky.sk
Saturday and Sunday were mainly spent in the two-round battle for championship titles. The gold medal in the children's category was finally won by Lilly Alena Marthaler, a representative of TJ Žrebčín Motešice, with the horse Magic Mike, the silver was won by her classmate Ján Magál on the horse Alice im Wunderland and the bronze was won by Karolína Beláková on the horse Revolution from JK Jurský dvor. In the younger junior category, the championship title was won by Diana Hunová on the horse Rocky Rebel from JK Ivanka pri Dunaji, the second place and therefore the silver medal belonged to Alica Pestúnová with the horse Furioso L-34 Nemes from JK Harmónia in the saddle Ivanka pri Dunaji and the bronze was won by Olívia Janušková with the horse Robina from JK Ranč Ouzkých Bratislava. In the older junior category, the gold and silver medals were won by the representative of TJ Žrebčín Motešice Sofia Petranová with the horses Flor D´Accord and Winstar and the bronze was won by Tamara Polláková from JK Jurský dvor on the horse Welt Regency.
We congratulate all the winners and place holders and wish them many sporting successes in the future.
Finally, we would like to thank the sponsors who supported this event by donating prizes in kind to the individual competitions. These were Happy Horse Services, Heineken, Prohorse, Vatehorse, JK at NŽ Topoľčianky and National Stud Topoľčianky.
Thank you.
Autor text, foto: NŽT
Výsledky - Topoľčianky 10.8.2024
Výsledky - Topoľčianky 11.8.2024
Výsledky - MSR Topoľčianky 10.-11.8.2024