The National Stud Farm Topolcianky with the cooperation of Slovak Equestrian Federation organizes a traditional Hubert Ride which is always held on the third Saturday of October.
Every year, there are many important people coming to enjoy the autumn weather. The invitation accepted the ex-president of Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič, the president of Slovak Equestrian Federation Vladimír Chovan and director of Livestock Production Department at the Ministry of Agriculture Peter Juhász.
At the opening ceremony, there were 11 carriages and almost thirty riders. All of them started their journey to the remains of castle Hrušov. On the way they jumped natural fences and followed symbolical fox. At Hrušov, there was small refreshment for all participants and after the break they returned to Topolcianky, to the Bear´s Meadow, when the final part of the ride called „halali“took place. The fox tail was found by a rider from Ranch Čakýň – Dominika Zaťková- on a thirteen year old gelding Monty.
Tired, but happy riders and all participants returned to the riding centre. At the indoor arena, there was small refreshment prepared for them.
Hubert Ride is always the official end of sport and breeding season at the National Stud Farm Toplcianky. Let´s wish to all a lot of rest and enough time for recharging the power for the next season 2020.
Text, photo: NŽT